The whole city is decorated and shining with lights; our homes are decorated with Christmas tree and full of Christmas feeling. But what is going on in our office and office desk? Probably one big confusion before Christmas. There is no time to go shopping and buy ornaments and try to find a parking spot at a shopping mall ...
But don't worry, during the next (lunch) break, you can put your own fingers to work and make an intermediate piece of handy stuff, something cute, which would also make the Christmas feeling around you in the office.
To make this wonderful decoration you need crushed paper - you can use the old documents for it, the pages you want to get rid of before the New Year (if there is no paper shredder, you can live all the emotions on the paper and tear it apart). Crushed paper put in a white garbage bag to get a snowman body. Hands, feet, buttons, etc. can be just like your fantasy on a snowman. Use everything you find in the office and surprise your colleagues with a new Christmas decoration!
Disposable cups and a bit of stapling and the result is ...
You want a Christmas tree into the office, but not thorns ... We have a solution for you.
Prepare a paper / cardboard tray and cover with tea bags. Simple, but still beautiful and brings the Christmas joy to so many people.
Find a suitable item from the office and draw a half circle, cut it out. Then make the same lighter paper (as in the picture) and cut out the strips that become spruce thorns. Paste all the spruce together and decorate! Again, a Christmas tree that does not sprout and decorated precisely based to your fantasy!
PS! In fact, you can use whatever colors you would like!